Saturday, September 05, 2009

IN THE NEWS - From zero to hero?

What a nice way to wake up on one's wedding anniversary*

Fellow green Blogger Mrs. Green and her MyZeroWaste site have run a feature on reuse, and kindly bigged up Junkk in the process: National zero waste week - reuse something.

Let the mutual complementing commence!

* Especially when the missus has forgotten. Out to the garden to pick some posies to pop on the breakfast-in-bed tray for soon (etched glass sake bottle makes a lovely vase - drink the sake first), and I am in major brownie points for a while:) And before any accusations of an excess of thrift, we have three annually (it's an East West thing), plus I'm guessing we're headed for Yaks & Yetis for Nepalese fare tonight. Doubtless with the kids in tow. Something about 17 years seems to temper the romance somewhat.