Monday, January 30, 2006

National Pride

It doesn't happen often, but I must confess felt a twinge of pride when I read the following: UK number five in global eco-league table.

Rather typically, we find ourselves just off the winners' podium, but for such a spiffy bit of research to be at that point out of 133 other countries I reckon that's a big up to us. Well done chaps and chapesses! Admittedly our overall environmental health factors did help a lot, but we did do a lot better than some I frankly would have expected higher.

And then... cor blimey g'vnor, there's nice, way aye  (and whatever makes for a pleasantly surprised exclamation in NI)... if that was not enough, it also seems that "British businesses lead global eco pack".

Double dose of wonderfulness Brit-wise. Do note however, that the results are based on how well a company performs relative to its peers, rather than using a standard yardstick to measure them against. 

But, hey, I'm not into splitting hairs here. Well, not in this article at least.

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