Monday, February 12, 2007

Follow me! I know where I've been!

Blair has fixed on his legacy plan: Tony saves the world

As an ad man who has decided to try and rectify a life making people by or use stuff they didn't really have to, pointing at someone's past record is a bit rich. But we're looking at soemthing a bit more here than David Cameron's schoolboy recreational habits. This is a world he has 'benfitted' hugely from messing up. I feel disicnlined to let him grab the highground in trying to save it. Others may be better equipped and certainly more worthy.

"I'll take whatever works, however unpalatable.

So if Mr. Blair's new found conversion is sincere and likely to be effective then why not. But....

I have just read the replies to this blog so far.

And I am still mulling over a BBC Breakfast spot this morning .

Assuming the Mirror (on a sample of one) to be more a reflection of the majority, non-green-elite views, example, credibility and incentive are key to motivating the necessary masses.

I don't think Mr. Blair and his well connected exclusive brigades are the ones to do it, at least in the populist sense. Shutting up and working behind the scenes on a no-spin, no hype and no publicity basis with the movers and shakers may be another matter. What are the odds?"

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