Wednesday, April 11, 2007

From the country that put the US in useless

Colbert on consumerism

I wonder at what the cut-off point is where the media stop finding people engaging in planetary-saving personal endeavours 'interesting' and 'different' enough to feature? What % of population actively engaged in low-impact lifestyles before it is no longer news, and you're kinda on your own because you just believe it's a good thing to do rather than as an exercise in ratings gathering?

It's a line of thought I embarked upon when I saw a programme advocating home composting toilets by a London-based guru. What would the social hygiene consequences be if 10 million folk got inspired to follow suit?

Anyhoo, while having every admiration for such efforts, and sympathy for the financially compensatory effects of publicity (though perhaps wondering how the interviewee got to the studio - maybe it's OK if someone else provides the transport. I tried pitching a video feed to one interested media outlet here. They didn't bite. But at least I persuaded them to send just one reporter with a tripod ) to plug the book (how many times does that little number rather put the whole deal in context? I'm guessing it's another, new, extra book on the topic? And will require buying, for money, and making, and distributing, etc) on an as yet unspecified non-impacting stock, I again feel a certain unease that the messenger may not be serving the message as well as he might.

Was pretty funny though.

At least Mr. Colbert will not be joining hordes of irony-free Americans making many extra journeys to congregate together at an event that is raising awareness about... what exactly?

As IPCC 2, the sequel, is now pointing out, it's the kids who will suffer first. Enjoy the party.

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