Monday, October 01, 2007

100 Billion plastic bags!

We thought that we used a lot here in the UK, but that's the estimate of just how many of the ubiquitous plastic carrier bags the citizens of the USA get through each year. (That's equivalent to about 12 million barrels of oil each year!)

This from the New York Times argues that Americans need a complete change in behaviour before anything will ever be achieved.

I particularly liked the story of the lady who took her own reusable bags to a supermarket where they still packed all her groceries in plastic ones anyway!

"if we can’t change our behavior to deal with this one, we can’t change our behavior to deal with anything."

Well, let's see; with so much heavyweight muscle applied to the pols in the white house by the Big Oil boys and their brethren in the downstream petrochemicals industries, I can't see much significant change in behaviour occurring under this particular administration.

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