Sunday, August 03, 2008

Priorities, Gordon... priorities

Plus a smidge of political savvy, maybe...?

Overfill your bin and you’ll be treated worse than a shoplifter

Another fine mess you've got yourself into, I'd say.

Relative values

Golf's water waste means only the fairways are green

'To ease your emissions that little bit extra, decline the golf cart and get some exercise, and pack some biodegradable golf balls and environmentally friendly tees.'

Yup, that'll do it.


One thing so often missing in matters of debate is effective, balanced moderation.

I have just written to the BBC:

I have just watched the 'debate' between the climate activist and the industry representative.

At one point both 'sides' clearly stated totally stated a report stated diametrically opposite things.

Is there any chance of the moderators/interviewers letting us know who was/is right?

I am already fed up with the classic 'twofer' technique serving ratings more, butbeing allowed to mouth off without being checked adds zero value and the media just gives any old tossed off claim credence in this manner.

Tectonic Divides

A worthwhile read: Bridging the divides