Monday, November 24, 2008

The Two E's - an example

Darling wants 'shopocalypse' now, pay later

Wot 'e sed


Sadly, quite a lot of the time one can discern the siren call of a target, with process rather than result being more important.

Recycling is OK (or not, if you check one of the sister articles here), but I'd still wave a small flag for reuse.


On the main site we are starting to see more and more ideas spun from waste product data.

Many are simple, some are not. All are great, because if just one bit of stuff ends up being reused that's one bit less in the bin and hence landfill.

A Junkketeer has just uploaded this very simple but nonetheless sensible suggestion*:

Liquid soap container

However, I am using this opportunity to create this new category, to see if a piece of waste product data with no idea.... at least yet, can be pondered for other applications by the collective imaginations out there.

In this case I am thinking the siphon pump component.

Think about it. You have a device that moves 1-2" with relatively little effort, and moves a small amount of fluid around. What could this device be introduced into, even in multiples, to 'make something useful rather than throwing them out?

You never know, it may be good enough that we end up arranging collections in towns around the country just for these pumps so an enterprising soul can make them into a whizzo device.

*Note to self: must make clearer/remind posters that there is a wealth of extra info that can be added under the Advanced Details, with "colour' unfortunately set to default to Black at present.

So good, we created it twice...

Nothing like job creation schemes. Is Trust the new quango?

Two energy trusts is a doubling of bureaucracy

I can think of some more if anyone's interested...

Sadly, one can intone, Yoda-like, 'There are more'.

Many more.

Process has now become more important than product.

Just think of the tangible good that could be DONE with all the comms budgets alone splurged on 'awareness'.

Talk is certainly not cheap anymore, but it ticks many target boxes.

If only all this could 'effort' be harnessed.

Dreams and realities

Green scheme scrapped as household recycling is sent to landfill

It is introduced with that most dubious of disclaimers...'could', but I wonder why this is not more in the media domain.

I must say, my frustration with the focus on recycling, and all the sexy tonnages and ticked boxes and targets that involves, looks quite vindicated.