Monday, January 24, 2011


This is a new 'regular' heading.

Similar to Prof's Posers, but seeking to tap into the vast seam of common sense and DIY innovation out there, rather than pure science.

That said, a hint of enviROI may creep in, still.

For Xmas, I was given a paper log maker, well worth a Google of that term to see extent of styles and prices.

This, I believe, was a common design sourced in our case (at a sale discount @ £14.99) here.

Now, as the video attached shows, it is not brain surgery. Takes me back to my papier mache days, if without the glue.

It's a metal box that you stick wet paper in and compress into a brick. Then leave to dry.

Now, I am fully aware that there are some aspects of this that will require effort, and to maintain the eco aspects, it best be human.

I am working on the compression side too, but production line aspects rather mitigate on this being too involved, or long in duration. Unless these things burn for a long time, that is a lot of input for about 30 minutes of fire, equating to a log of that size.

Where I am interested is improving the production of paper mulch. Yes, I could sit over a bucket and rip up old papers and card, but that is not looking a great option.

So far I am stuck in an electric rut, from the office shredder to the leaf blower to the twig cruncher.

I am just wondering if there is a brain wave out there on something hand-cranked, which can turn a lot of paper and card into a lot of shredded stuff. All to then make into logs... one brick at a time.

Oh, and from that video... not sure if adding bleach is that eco in the planetary sense, much less economic. May pass on that.

Addendum 1

Thanks to some nice early input in the comments, a new option in complement at least is presented, which I will be scoping asap, and will then report further: