With apologies to Voltaire.
Bioploymers Need Careful Introduction, Says WRAPCan't fault this: '...most consumers are confused about the wide range of new materials emerging with ‘biodegradable’, ‘home
compostable’, ‘
compostable’ and ‘degradable’ all being introduced in the UK...'.
And here's the rub: '...respondents were less clear of the overall benefits, and were left feeling confused. Apart from some home
compostable materials, there is currently no appropriate infrastructure for the materials to be collected and treated in the UK.'
I just hope the ‘statement’ on
biopolymers to be
published will actually result in Mrs
Miggins having a clue as to what she's supposed to do as she hovers the chicken thigh tray and film over the bin.
The research and statement can be accessed from the
WRAP website or from retail@wrap.org.uk