Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Here is the noose

I was reading an interesting piece on responsibility (in the guy at the top sense) in today's Guardian, snappily titled:

Basically it discussed how the word has been devalued by the deeds that (don't) surround it; a view with which I can only concur.

It has rapidly become something of a confessional 'get out of jail free' card, in some cases literally as figuratively.

Although in this case the big issue surrounds the attempt to delay and/or conceal, waaaaay too many in public life, with tremendous public, er, responsibility, have figured out that a quick, insincere 'it was on my watch' mea culpa works wonders to make the past and present go away, and the future look a whole load rosier a lot more quickly.

But what is amazing is how many still try to bend things to the maximum weasel level, and still get away with it. A certain cigar-chomping, trousers-round-his-ankles-in-the-Oval-Office ex-Prez springs to mind here.

What they have managed to arrange is that magnificent nirvana of public life (and/or in many cases paid service): authority with responsibility... but no accountability or consequences. They may be 'responsible' by being at the head of the chain (or simply being caught with their trousers down), but they are not to blame. Neat.

In some cases I have a certain sympathy. In many organisational structures, and certainly government, there is no way the guy at the top can be aware of every action by subordinates, even though they are carried out in their/government's (or business')/people's (or shareholder's/customer's) name. So it is often hard to direct one's ire fully at such an individual if they really were not part of the whatever it was that has blown up. Unless of course they have been complicit in the setting up, maintenance, preservation of or failure to address a system that allows such things to happen, and keep on doing so. I have a real problem with ministers 'taking responsibility', blaming juniors and then no one is ever brought to book at any level. Such status quo is unacceptable, because it is being successfully abused so much these days. And the media must share some blame. How many cases are tenaciously followed-up to a genuine conclusion beyond the first furore in favour of new pickings.? Not many.

Even with Junkk.com's minute structure, there are many things I am not aware of, and many things I have noted that may yet to be addressed. But I really do my best to stay on top of them and follow up. Especially if it is brought to my attention. And boy to I get grumpy if it's something  I have seen as a problem and asked for it to be  dealt with and it hasn't.

I think some slack does need to be cut. But when you get to the end of that rope ,and if you still haven't handled the problem,  it should be allowed to do what it was meant to do, so that another can come in and sort things out.

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