Monday, April 10, 2006

Bad taste

Irony is possibly in short supply at the BBC these days.

A few short segments after a collection of po-faced prompt-readers
and earnest social commentators discuss the news of Mr. Brown's
rehash of the G8 poverty commitments, we have a piece about an £85
sandwich. I wait in vain for any inference as to the contradictions
inherent in this, but no, things smugly move on to the stock exchange
for the CEO of a sandwich company to have his free commercial
opportunity on the tax payers' money.

It left such a bad taste I decided to forgo any more of this trivial
drivel. So I probably missed the daily token environmental story -
doubtless involving a celeb - about what 'we' should be doing to make
a difference, which doubtless will not refer back to the flying in of
Chilean beef daily to make a snack for them in the green room.

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