Sunday, May 07, 2006

You were expecting what else, exactly?

I hate to be a party pooper, but I found the following - Updated list adds more threatened species - sad, true, and pretty much proving the point I have been making for a fair old while.

Because, global warming or no global warming, most things end up extinct, and with us on the planet usually sooner rather than later. Especially big predators or huge territorial herbivores who require large areas of land all to themselves and the subtle biological balance of flora and flora around them, and which they are at the top, or rather were until we lob up and decided to build a golf course, have a war or opt for a 4x4 to get to work in Washington, London, Shanghai or New Dehli.

With finite land (and that due to reduce when the sea level goes up) and an ever-expanding human population, they simply won't be allowed that space much longer. 

Enjoy them while you can.

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