Friday, November 17, 2006

Trust me, I'm in blogging

You gotta love the public:

"This... is astounding.

I use blogs (perhaps too much for my RSI and sanity) both ways, and love what they can do to round out what’s out there.

But... trust them more than ’newspapers, TV advertisements or email marketing campaigns’???!!

These are tightly constrained, monitored and controlled media, subject to censure and fines.

Blogs are the wildest, woolliest West.

It’s a sorry commentary on our faith in media these days.

But maybe blogs are not having it all their own way (via me and some others), even BBC’s Newsnight:

“Where there is any form of shortlist*, agendas come into play, making both the process and the result immediately open to... 'concerns'. Even with no editing, what stays in and what is kept out shapes the story.’

*Substitute selection, moderation or any other similar word you fancy here."

Just added this to Newsnight:

You gotta love the public:

"This - "Public trust blogs over marketing" is astounding:

But maybe blogs are not having it all their own way; just look on these pages.

Some of mine appear. Some do not. And it's not because I use naughty words. If not, why?

At least they always end up on my, totally trustworthy, blog:)

The Guardian is on it, too: Should the BBC pay for user-generated content?

Plus another, related topic I added to.

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