Saturday, January 13, 2007

More Mea Culpas

I hope I am being consistent in my reporting, and try to pass on news upon which I comment with a suitable amount of 'as read'.

I'm sure some references will follow to add to this later, but again as I watch the BBC I have to qualify something I blogged on earlier.

It would appear that a small glimmer of agreement between me and Mr. Leary of RyanAir may have been premature. I thought he was making worthy stand against retroactive taxation on behalf of his customers. Er... it seems not.

In fact, with the farce that is the imposition of this tax, he's gone from being what I thought was one of the good guys to a true black hat, customer service wise. He's going to turn folk away at the desk.

No one is coming out of this well.

Not even the financial community. It seems that the travel and hospitality industries are legally allowed to sneak back into even your credit card accounts without asking to make up such tariff differences. This of course could push you into further handling costs and OD charges through no fault of your own.

Nil points.

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