Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Read it and weep

Further to my post on middle management doing little except exist in paralysis to maintain the status quo, which at best means not going down, career-wise, maybe it's simply how it is at every level: Miliband is charming, clever and ill-informed.

I'd take issue with one thing, and that's the headline. He may be charming, but he's not ill-informed. Just clever enough to know that having a clear view is not what gets you ahead personally. Process, not product. And the media are complicit in this destructive game.

And here I am about to post a letter to him asking him let me know what he can do about something.

I don't know how you can stand for office when you are unable to take a stand on anything.

My note:

Dear Mr. Carr,

Clever enough to be well informed yet opt not to say anything helpful

On a day when we have a report on middle management in paralysis and costing this country dear, I now have clear evidence it extends far further.

I'd thank you, but this is the man to whom I am writing to at least ask for the answers to some questions, and maybe even the chance of coherent, high-ROI action.

God help my kids' futures. They can't live on charm alone.

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