Thursday, March 22, 2007

Let the flames begin!

Budget 07: mean not green

I have long since ceased to try to understand, let alone believe, and much less be convinced by anything the current crop of politicians and self-appointed green elite 'commentators' have to say about where we've been, are and could/should be going.

As this blog testifies, it has made not one whit of difference to entrenched positions which, by my estimate square up as about the population of tube-proximate, cycling Islingtonistas in the ecofacist pro camp, vs. the rest of the country's Daily Mail/Sun reading (well, you know what I mean) big-oil funded, Ch4 watching (and believing... how dare they) climate deniers... as a 'no' then.

So if, like me, you think there is a smidge of an issue here, and the best way to sort it is by persuasion and willing cooperation of the masses, I'd say we need a new broom pronto to sweep clear the whole sorry 'I care/know better than you lot'... pronto.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peter, I think the flames began burning several years ago - apart from that I daren't even comment on the state of entrenchment the various factions have levered themselves into. I'm starting to think that the Somme sounds like a peaceful safe pace to hide!

One little gem that I would like to highlight is the fantastic increase in the budget for microgeneration grants administered via the Low Carbon Building Fund. From £6Mill to £9Mill - brilliant!... that'll make a massive difference Uncle Gord - give yourself a pat on the back! Here's where it will go - half to emloy more administrators and bean counters with gilt-edged pensions and half (I hope!!) to those concerned (albeit well entrenched) consumers who would like to do their bit.

So now the LCBF grants will run out at 11:45 on the morning of the first working day of each month rather than at 10:30? Fat lot that goes towards helping. Uncle Gord might as well have stuck two fingers up to the electorate .... or did I blink and miss him doing just that?