Monday, March 26, 2007

One's gob is smacked

I know a headline like 'Major global blue-chip will say anything to flog tat' is not exactly news, but this left me... almost... speechless:

New Zealand schoolgirls find there's no C in Ribena

Just how low will they stoop?

And heaven forfend one affects the legal process at any stage.

Mail - The schoolgirls who cost Ribena £80k for its vitamin fib

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This reminds me in a rather perverse way of the TV ad back in the 80's when Birds Eye announced - "All our beefburgers now made with 100% beef!". I always wondered just what they might have been putting in their beefburgers before!!

You are quite right though - if there is no VitC in Ribena - just how the hell have they got away with advertising it as a VitC drink for all these years?