Thursday, June 07, 2007


I made a mistake last night, albeit with the best of intentions.

Though I co-designed pretty much every aspect of the site, the reality is I did it with pen and paper and briefed in 'making it so' to guys who knew/know a lot better how to make it all happen. And as it did get handed over from the first set to the current one in not the best of circumstances, there is frankly a vast amount that is somewhat of a mystery in the details.

Don't worry; nothing too awful, but just some operational functions in the admin area seem to have a slight mind of their own.

Anyway, in anticipation of our next newsletter I was looking through the system and stumbled across what seemed to be a bunch of people who had signed up but seemed to have been left in some kind of limbo. We're talking names, passwords, nicknames, where they read/heard about us, etc. Hard to see how it was not genuine. It appears they had been denied final confirmation by some discrepancy between our registration system and their personal ISP, firewalls, etc.

So I thought it would be nice to try and sort this out, and clicked on something that I hoped would allow me.. us to write and ask them if they would like to stay with us. Well, somewhere... somehow... that act simply fired off a confirmation.

Now I'm hoping that most will be cool and either be happy their confirmation has at last come through or, if for some reason it was not them (who signs up another person with such details?) will simply ask to be removed, which is easy enough to do.

Or, if I'm unlucky, someone (who will not be reading this having been, on firm demand, promptly actively removed from the system) will make rather more of it all than perhaps the situation demanded. Fingers crossed!

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