Monday, September 17, 2007

In defence of opinion

An odd little effort almost passed me by thanks to changing the spelling of the word 'truth': The troof is out there

There seems to be a notion, and to me a worrying one, amongst those who seem to believe they know better (mostly by being employed by an organisation whose brand name might yet still carry some weight) that the facts as they seem them should not be subject to too much challenge by those they consider beneath them. And, looking at the blog roll already, there are quite a few. But not all are necessarily 'fiskers', which is a pejorative that seems to be favoured by those who are over-bothered by counter-arguments in the form of facts. A concern to the duration of the day job, perhaps, but an odd one to use to dismiss stuff that should not be.

So I am afraid I can't agree.

While the net, and what ever is on it, can be manipulated, at the end of the day that headline still holds true.

Indy - It is the death of history

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