Friday, September 28, 2007

It's a 'why not'?

I just had an email through headed 'Be Future Friendly'. Sounded a bit of a demand so I almost didn't open it, but curiosity got the better of me.

It's from one of those myriad initiatives that get issued almost daily, though this one is commercial in origin. So far, so what.

Well, it has a widget that you can download to get daily tips. I had a quick gander and thought it was more a 'why not?', as the first one was about water saving. Now I almost clicked off when it started by pushing one of those things you can buy for the cistern, but it saved itself by adding that a water bottle did the exact same thing (and didn't involve money of more plastic).

So, like the tips I get from such as the FoE daily, I'll now be getting these too. If there are any of note I'll pass them on.

ps: As a technonumpty the one thing I really don't like is how these downloads work. Yes, it allowed for a Mac in the deal... yay! But did what I get look like what I was told I'd get? Noooo. And to now I don't even know if it's working. I guess we'll see tomorrow.

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