Saturday, September 08, 2007

Money, money, money

Commy time again! At first I was ready to dismiss this - Call the fat cats’ bluff and tax their preposterous pay fairly - as another Peter Hainsian bit of political rabble-rousing (only this time in a journalistic, sociological way) drag-down nonsense, but I feel it is well considered and worth reading.

A bit like population, this is a BIG issue with little incentive for any statespersonlike individual (if such exists) to tackle, but the fact of the matter seems to me that if there are a lot of folk with a load more money than they can handle (celebs, big City types, ex-PMs), they are going to splurge in a consumer-driven orgy of excess spending on stuff and travel just to validate having it all.

Which, in turn, the media will serve and feed off. Which in turn, makes it seem unlikely that those less blessed will see why they should cut back.

The circle of strife?

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