Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A nice little place in the sun

I clicked on this honestly expecting something else: More shabby delaying tactics

No, not the 'big issue' of will he/won't he?

It starts: All the recent scientific evidence suggests that the process of climate change is occurring at a faster pace than previously predicted.

Meanwhile, our Dear Leader has made, by all accounts 'A good start' (well, ignoring the last 10 years I guess) according to most chattering class media, based on all I can see are a collection of puff-piece 'must do's, must do betters, looking intos and not acceptables - Indy Leader: The Prime Minister's speech was full of stirring conviction but gave little away. Well, D'uh. Maybe saying nothing is getting a bit tired, if still proving effective on some.

Mr. Bush was not the only one indulging in his usual shabby delaying tactics. Or did not turn up to the UN meeting. And while the world's largest economy may refuse to engage honestly with the crisis in an abnegation of leadership of epic and scandalous proportions, it's not the only one.

I really could care less about whether there is an election now or later, and that our leadership and the media that serve them in the Westminster Village can say they care about issues rather than playing silly games, whilst playing the silliest games of all and addressing little but trivia, does make me wonder about the sense of proportion this side of the pond as well.

Green Party - Brown is kicking climate change into the long grass - That will be short, Brown grass at this rate.

Time precludes me from doing much other hunting and gathering (and verifying), so I'll leave it to these guys. I can't say I can argue much.

'...instead of changing the Climate Change Bill , he's chosen to kick it into the long grass by leaving it for the climate change committee when it's eventually established. We don't have time for yet more commissions and reviews, for more political delay.'

"Worse than that, Brown's speech failed to indicate any new, effective policy measures on climate change, which are desperately needed after a decade of inaction and failing policies from his government.'

1 comment:

Dave said...

Interestingly, and perhaps, strangely, whilst Ol' Golden appears to be 'kicking climate change into the long grass', Hilary Benn is seen to be provoking the USA to be far more proactive in taking on binding emission reduction targets. See today's Times. (A case of do as we say, not do as we do?) Though he fell short on provoking China - But he stopped short of calling for binding emissions targets for China’s growing economy. “China in the end will have to decide what they are going to contribute,” he said.

Despite the absence of Dubya, who sent Condoleezza Rice in his place, Arnie appeared at the summit and pretty much stole the show. “It is time we came together in a new international agreement that can be embraced by rich and poor nations alike,” he said. “California is moving the United States beyond debate and doubt to action.”