Friday, September 21, 2007

'Talking, talking, talking, happy talk...'

' about things we'd like to do!' Green language Alison Benjamin on how green issues are changing our language

What green terms do you think should be added to the dictionary?

I was going to say I don't really care so long as they get beyond terms pretty quick smart, and translate into action.

But as you've asked, I give you: enviROI.

It's the Return on Investment of any initiative or action to the planet's well-being. If CO2 (and a few other greenhouses gasses) is the accepted measure of what's doing us in, then all I ask for the sake of my kids' futures is that whatever it takes to get something out there it is mitigated and then exceeded by the net benefits of existing vs. getting made, operating and disposed of at the end.

It need not have a great financial ROI, though this must be viewed in comparison to other initiatives which could be funded that have better enviROIs.

Now, would any politician, activist, quango board member, head of industry, media commentator or other talking head with a career to forge, cause to promote, target to meet, subsidy to exploit or rating to drive up please explain to me in ways I can understand and act upon, which of what's on offer will deliver such a thing in a timeframe that won't talk us past the tipping point I hear so much about?

I'm gunning first simply for respites such as preventing deforestation internationally (rather than paying a bunch of sharp suits to plant lots more new ones as a salve, which means, as you infer, that SOD is OFF) and supporting any waste reduction systems such as insulation programmes nationally. Plus a few more I can think of that are here, now and do stuff that works with clear benefit to person and planet in the form of viable reduction and reuse. With little by way of hangers-on that add nothing to the positive, proactive process of just getting doing their jobs.

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