Friday, October 05, 2007

Perhaps we'll get relegated to the second division?

According to this from YahooNews, Britain comes pretty close to the bottom of the table when compared to other countries in terms of per capita CO2 emissions.

Our per capita emissions were more than double the worldwide average in 2004; worse still, even though many of us point the finger across the water at their apparent profligate use of energy, we even finish behind the United States!

Surely its time for someone in power to take the bull by the horns and do something to sort things out?


Emma said...

This... is a concern.

But I am intrigued, as always, by the methodology.

Your research a while ago (I wish I could find it!) on 'barrels of oil per person', where Singapore was 'worse' than the US (and the UK fared not too bad) seemed to tell a different story, at least on the basis shared.

It's so hard to trace the causes. If looking on a personal/domestic basis, I can see how in a country like the US the impact of cars can skew things. In a country like Singapore there is no excuse on this front as you can go end to end in an hour by tube, but then 24/7 a/c operation may be a reason.

The UK falls, geographically and climatically, between these two extremes.

So where is our excess in gobbling energy and hence generating CO2?

Dave said...

A very good question; but without a link to the source of the report its very difficult to understand just how everything has been measured.

My suspicion is that the answer lies in our housing; we do seem to have a worse performance in domestic housing emissions than most of our European neighbours.

Dave said...

Here is a reference to the post where we got into calculating BPP/Yr (barrels of oil per person, per year) where Singapore surprisingly came out top of the list. It was started by a post about the Petrol consumption of the USA.