Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Same hollow words - different acronym

My heart sank as I read this from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development now has a management speak acronym; you'd all better get used to 'SD'. Having only got to the end of the second paragraph, my memory was triggering 'I've read this before somewhere' alarms. By the time I'd reached the bullet points, the light dawned.

This is almost verbatim the same management speak that was used back in the 70's & 80's for Quality Improvement, in the 80's & 90's for Business Process Re-engineering, in the 90's for Information Management and in the late 90's & early this millennium, for Knowledge Management!

The words are pretty much all the same; simply substitute BPR, IM, KM or QI and its the same hollow meaningless management speak! I worked in a number of multi-nationals throughout those decades and there were literally hundreds of people who actually spoke like this!

"The third level comprises a critical analysis of skills in relation to key (enter buzzwords or acronym) issues outside of the company to inspire different ways of thinking about (enter buzzwords or acronym). The target audience for this level is people who will act as (enter buzzwords or acronym) ambassadors. An external partner conducts this training and each employee is assessed individually and must present an idea for possible implementation. A set proportion of an ambassador’s time is spent on this and it will soon be part of their job description."

"While it is reasonable for top management to be aware and involved [in (enter buzzwords or acronym)], that alone does not guarantee success. The top leadership must show that they support the direction the company is headed, but it still needs to be tied to the rationale of the business, the nuts and bolts; conviction is not enough."

I rest my case. We are now in the management speak era of 'SD'.

The problem is, this one is potentially critical to the future of our little planet and possibly even the future existence of humanity; I hope it doesn't get as hopelessly stuffed up as it has been in each previous iteration.


Emma said...

I think you are missing the big picture here Dave. This is a mega-growth profit scenario with awesoem potential for flag-pole saluting on a global scale. Entire demographic sectors can be rehired and paid staggering sums simply to fill the niches these opportunities will create.

Who is to pay for such Sustainably Awesome Development Delegate Operatives remains to be seen.

I'm guessing.... us.

Dave said...

I have to admit that I was probably a SADDO (nice acronym BTW) back in the early days of KM!

And you are right - we'll all finish up paying for it - and getting pretty much nothing in return!