Monday, October 15, 2007

Who is the most important person in the world?

Your audience. Never forget it. Change the message to save the planet

He hasn't. They are the guys who pay to read him. However...

I agree.

And I disagree.

The way things get said is important. And to whom you are saying it is critical.

To business I long ago learned to avoid any hint of saving the planet up front. I wouldn't even get in the door. So it's all about 'ways to boost CSR and even PR, and often sales...' first, but I do still add at the end with a ', who knows, we might get to save the planet, too.'. Makes me feel better and sets them on notice that that is what I really care about.

Equally with consumers, from the most self-absorbed Yuppie singleton to the most harassed Yummie eco-mummie to the most eager-beaver kiddie-winky, I pitch what I do as ways to 'Save time, save money and, who knows, maybe even the planet, too'.

Seems to work, still.

Maybe not with Guardian Online readers though. But I guess they might not be my audience. Or that significant in the great totality of the general public who it is still necessary to inspire to make differences... for the future of the planet.

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