Saturday, April 05, 2008

IDEA - Solar & Reuse... what a combo!

I was having a surf around the BBC site to try and find out more on their notions on the efficacy of solar, when I happened upon this:

** Set designer creates solar home **
An inventor in Downpatrick has come up with an efficient way of using the sun to heat his water.

What's not to like? Especially as it seems to work pretty well. What I really liked was the reuse of the radiator and double glazing panel; two items in my 'what the heck, they may yet find a use' pile at the end of the garden. Ok, it's rubbish dump.

Actually, if this has worked as well as the piece indicates, I have a few notions of my own that would possible improve the efficiencies of this set up. There are actually scores on the web, from all over the globe, some a lot more sophisticated, but every bit as easy to make, and from spare 'junk', so maybe this can become a mission.

To the shed!!!!

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