Monday, April 28, 2008

Oo, look, a wolf! And another one. And this time it's HUGE!

I like Treehugger. They have a nice wadge of fun stuff and info and articles and even spirited debate.

However, I don't think they are doing themselves, or any with a concern about what's going on climatically (just had hail and sunshine alternating 3 times in the last hour) and how to address it, many favours with headlines like this:

Bye bye Greenland

Whatever else might happen, I doubt that Greenland is going bye bye. The name itself suggests an earlier incarnation. I believe vineyards were harvested by the Vikings.

All this will do is pit the Two Opposing Corners of the Apocalypse (acronym alert: TOCOTA) against each other... again.

It doesn't really matter much what the end point is, or is not, really, but if there is a direction we're headed, and certain stuff might be wise now, I simply advocate, again, that we look at sensible mitigations.

There is a case for figuring it all out as well long term to ensure resources get directed when and where they will do most good, but this end of the world stuff now kinda just feeds fuel to the absolutists (on both sides - you are either for us or agin' us) to talk us to death for longer.

Hence my not pitching in over there. I think that one is a fight that will last forever, with no middle ground allowed.

1 comment:

Dave said...

A bad headline, I agree, it should have read 'Bye bye Greenland Icesheet', but is it crying wolf? I don't know for sure, but the evidence strongly suggests that the icesheet is fragmenting and melting faster than anyone ever thought possible. And if, (big if), that is the case, then this planet has a major problem.

Given that major climatic variations are now reckoned to occur throughout the last 600,000 years associated with a variation of only 22 ppm CO2, (see my earlier post), at 100+ points ppm above the normal variation (a rate of increase some 14,000 times higher than has ever occurred naturally), I suspect our little lump of planetary rock is heading towards a seriously major climatic (and hence geographic, in terms of sea levels) upheaval.

By looking at all the scientific evidence, and coming to the conclusions that I am, I don't think that that means I'm crying wolf.

I am becoming ever more seriously concerned for the future of my kids, and their's to follow!