Monday, September 08, 2008

At last, a less than ideal solution

I tend to find that most eco-initiatives seem to take as their base a rather ideal start point.

Hence I am pleased to share this, sent in by one of the forums I am member of:

Old Home Superhome

As it says:

Old Home SuperHome is an ongoing programme to transform the energy efficiency of existing housing stock in the UK, with the ultimate aim of reducing domestic carbon emissions by 60%.

Read more here...

The scheme is building and promoting a network of exemplar, energy-efficient old dwellings, which will be local and publicly accessible, within 15 minutes, to nearly everyone in the country.

Click here to use the interactive map and find a superhome near you!

There are not too many (yet) but guess what, there is one near me! I feel a visit is in order. With a house whose structure covers six eras, and but one room with cavity walls, I have felt a lot trotted out by various bodies was totally irrelevant to my living situation.

This seems much more practical.

Camden Council - Low energy Victorian house refurbishment

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