Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Ok, hubris is a capricious mistress.

That should be 'Breakthrough?'

We're creeping towards slimming the site down to move it to the new platform... a lot, but as an inveterate hoarder (how else would have been created) I was/am loathe to lose neat stuff, and opportunities to share.

Currently, beyond 'IDEAS' (ironically, or in protest at what we propose, not working yesterday and on go-slow today), there is:


Most look simple enough to move to a Wordpress format, with the possibility of interactivity retained.

But I was looking at ARTICLES and thought it a pity that all the great work Chief of Stuff Emma would get lost, and all the bits 'n bobs I stumble across in my travels would not be collated and archived any more. Well, beyond the FaceBook group, which few are aware of and is not searchable.

But... of course it can be! Here!

I just need to create a Page Label and category, and away we go. Then link the new ARTICLES page to it.

Whenever I see a new story I can just call it up and update. No idea when, but of course all the old material can also simply be ported across in this way too.

Ironically, and with dark humour, thanks to the latest share on the FaceBook page, the first to be created is likely to be CATEGORY - FUNEREAL, with info and links on eco-funerals, etc, of course inspired by and based on this page.

Seems apt as we design away on the new site Phoenix to rise from the ashes of the old.

Well, that's the theory. Here's hoping!

ps: Also, as a plus, it means we may still snag a few pennies from Google adwords by not sending visitors away elsewhere:)

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