Monday, May 15, 2006

There's Interest Groups, Activist Groups.. and Statistical Groupings

It's official. 100% of middle aged family men would be quite happy to never use the car again.

This is based on a sample of one (me), and did not involve any complicating factors like keeping the job going, doing the weekly 'big' shop' and getting the boys to the middle of a forest at the weekend for their night hike. Then, I fear, I think I might be one of the 100% who felt the car was an essential and could not be done without into the forseeable future.

So, what are we to make of 75 percent back new climate law ?

Well, it's a bit of a 'why not?' at the moment, up there with 99% of us recycle regularly... apparently (as Jimmy Carr would say, eyebrow cocked, in that biscuit ad).

But is such a thing worth trotting out?

75% of the UK population may support anything nice and fluffy if asked, but getting from 1000 people to the thoughts of 30 million seems a leap. Much less actions.

And it doesn't mention, but I also wonder to what extent this survey added the bit... 'and you will be required to do this in future, and it will cost you this much extra."

Wishing it doesn't make it so, and I for one tend to lean against pressure to make me bend when its coming from a direction I can get my head around.

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