Tuesday, May 16, 2006

And I quota... (or don't)

Drifting into politically incorrect territory for the sake of a light-hearted intro line, you can say what you like about the Germans, but they certainly know how to obey orders. While, patently, the British cannot: UK above quota, Germany within, where we are not exactly delivering the goods (or, rather, are delivering too many) on our carbon emissions EU-wide.

It's hard to find an excuse, until you read on and find out what a tortured and convoluted the whole thing is, rife I am sure with all manner of accounting tricks, back-door politico/commercial deals, smoke and mirrors and of course small fortunes being made by those who make everything out of making nothing (n this case literally as well as figuratively).

Mind you, our new national habit of blaming the pitch/track/weather/own negotiated positions for failing to do what was agreed smacks of goalpost adjusting.

I wonder what the average consumer would make of it all, especially if they know how much of their money pays these guys salaries.

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