Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Spammers are people too!

I write this not as a defence, but an observation. And one that , if there is a cyber-god, can be used to get at these sods.

I had somehow resigned myself to the fact that spamming was an automated evil against which there was no real defence. And that which does not kill you makes you stronger.

But over the last ten days the assaults on my in-box slowed to a trickle. I noticed this more because today they are back.... with a vengeance. And it is worse for me/us, because we also get the bounces from all the spams who have hijacked Yuri@junkk.com to sell their dodgy Russian stock.

I am just hoping this means that if there is a person who switches these things on, there is one who can be got at to stop them.

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