Tuesday, February 20, 2007

And on the 6th way...

Last night I watched a programme (trailed in this very blog), called 5 Ways to save the world

To its credit, at the very end they did mention that not umping the stuff out at the prodigious rate we are would be a better bet, but that doesn't make such good TV. So we were treated to an hour of solutions.

I have to say, all bar one seemed barking mad.

Here's what the Grauniad had to say, and that was all I could find.

It's a shame that space was devoted to the inevitable swipe at Jeremy Clarkson, who will swipe back... yadayada.

Only one made any sense to me, and that was a CO2 collecting tower. Though even here there were a few details that had me wondering. For instance, they were shown in huge farms. Now if I remember my Physics, if you suck it out of one part, you're going to struggle to suck it out of the next, so efficiencies will plummet in concentration.

I'm also niggling a bit on us sticking our manmade oar in again. Who knows what we can muck up with any localised, if massive 'correction'. Like climate Rabbits & Myxomatosis. Hence the other ideas were real no starters by trying to solve one thing with another. At least this was about sucking back what we have stuck up there.

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