Saturday, February 24, 2007


As you will gather, I have been a busy blogger today.

Partly it's because I was away at a show (which will need blogging... sheesh) yesterday, but mainly because I found a big pile of clippings from my last Sunday's Times' read. And it was a rich seam.

And an eclectic one, too.

Thing is, now I have revisited a few hours later to check links (how pro is that?), I'm trying to figure out the rationale why some made it in... and some are conspicuous by their absence.

It may be that there are different moderators for different areas, and some are on a break this weekend. Fair dos. But I do wonder, as those that are not there are mostly (if not all) perhaps a tad critical of the media and its representatives' professional performance lately.

It was actually a salutary read, as in noting my blog on the ethics of getting a paid holiday in the sun counting as journalism of any form, I went back a bit further to find another not (yet) featured was one about the law of press junkets. Apparently, any form of paid/assisted PR jolly is illegal under UK law.

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