Thursday, February 01, 2007


I just watched the piece on BBC Breakfast TV with the bouffant and the blonde gushing over the latest Celeb, Josh Hartnett, who with many other celebs met Mr. Blair to discuss green issues.

Plus side. There is another website to 'make a difference': globalsomething (oddly the URL not mentioned).

Down side. What was mentioned, twice, was that you should buy a Toyota Prius to save the planet. I don't think so.

I doubt they'll publish this either: "One appreciates Josh's sincerity, but Mr. Blair as a role model? And rather than being an complete ad for Toyota Prius (twice), it may be worth pointing out that it may not be the best car to save the planet in certain non-urban circumstances."


I have added several of these posts to Newsnight's blog. Annoyingly they have taken them selectively and /or out of sequence. Here's my latest.

After the piece selling a contest for space tourism, we now have on TV this morning Hollywood star Josh Hartnett, who with many other celebs met Mr. Blair to discuss green issues... as above.

In addition to my comment on the irony of these two items being back-to-back, on top of Jeremy's comments in the Times today, I doubt they'll publish this either: "One appreciates Josh's sincerity.. as above"

There's doing. There's seen to be doing. And there's simply doing what's right and works.

It would be good if the major media could help us decide on the basis of objective information and not ratings-driven hype.

BBC - Josh goes globally cool
Express - Concert

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