Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Screw up again, and others will pay. Again

Fireman wins £100,000 in sex-bias case

Careful, it may need to be 'Fireperson', or you could get sued!

In this, rare, case, the man deserves all he got... and more.

Miss Kelly is now out of the frame, but the question on pensions is
one worth an answer (see below).

But the all the people who so mishandled this case and cost the
local taxpayer this money, along with causing Mr. Owers such pain?

All still in employ? With index-linked pensions?

Why? If you don't punish those who cause the problems, the problems
will recur.

Am I missing something?

ps; I don't expect an answer. There never is one (even from the media,
who have already moved on) . That's why it will happen again and again
and again and again....

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