Friday, February 02, 2007

Some get more airtime than others...

...which, in a media-driven age, means they end up more equal.

I had to pitch in to this: No Special Treatment

'This seems a game with no winners, except maybe those who create conflict and those who feed on it.

I think all parties playing it, especially some press, needs to assess the creation, acceptance and status accorded 'community leaders'.

Are they elected? If not, who says they speak for anyone other than themselves and their own agendas? Interviews with these guys (and gals) seem at best lazy and at worst ratings-driven (to extremes) reporting. And it’s frustrating to be fed a politician or ‘leader’ claiming to speak for the majority, when the only credible evidence of any frequent contact they do have is with a news channel researcher’s speed dial.

I watched one such 'representative' yesterday given national news coverage to demand, it seemed, that he be involved in the police investigative process from the outset.

If granted, can I please sit in on meetings where speed cameras get sited in my area?'

If only because it happens so often in the environmental debate. 'The people of the UK want..' gets bandied about by both sides, when I suspect (how can I do any more without asking 60M people?) most wish they'd all shut up and go away and leave it to those who are trying to do something to just get on and help make things better.

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