Sunday, June 03, 2007

Carbcon trading?

On Friday, an email from the BBC Politics Show offered this: Trading in question

If only carbon trading was as easy as apples...
On the international scene, there is really only one game in town for tackling climate change - and that's something called emissions trading.
Put very simply, the idea is that countries get an allowance of carbon, which they can then sell if they don't use all the carbon to which they're entitled.
The theory is that by putting a price on carbon, the market will make it cost effective to reduce pollution.
But is this big idea the best idea?
Paola Buonadonna will be asking if it's the only option, or simply a load of hot air.

I'd suggest they take a gander at this, that I noted that same day: Truth about Kyoto: huge profits, little carbon saved

Sorry kids, it 's going to take a wee bit more than I'd hoped.

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