Monday, June 04, 2007

Nothing like a good conference

I've never heard of PSFK until this: Green Marketing: Mind the Gap

Sorry I missed it. Sounds interesting, what with all the insights.

I'd have to say that aviation probably is the most unfriendly brand right now, and is unlikely to improve much with people like Richard Branson of Virgin talking about new planes and fuels and trying to look "less bad"... whilst announcing all Business Class services (see my earlier post - why won't the Times print mine?).

The rest reads like a list (Google did throw up a link to Ariel's effort, which didn't work too well on my streaming. Looks a hoot). Maybe you had to be there.


Here I am pondering how posts to old blog topics get archived and notified, and someone has helpfully added to the archive.

I think it best I repost to give it the best chance of being shared properly.

The post in question was Nothing like a good conference , and I am happy to share it again here.

Indeed, having read the link (sadly, finding the time for a 50 minute show is beyond me at the moment, much though it looks well worth the time over lunch or an evening surf) I am even happier, as it also introduces the PSFK site too.

As blogger replies can't, or complicate posting HTML links, let me repost it here.

As an ex(ish) ad-man, it is interesting to see the next generation struggling to get to grips with the dilemma of promoting rampant capitalism and one's personal duty as a green-aware individual to practice and preach the 'RE's'.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The video is now online: