Monday, July 09, 2007


The Diaries

"Tony. It's Gordon. I'm locked in the toilet."
A phone message from Gordon Brown to Tony Blair as they were discussing which one of them should run for the leadership of the Labour party. Blair is quoted as replying: "You're staying there until you agree."

As I reconcile our country being lead by someone who deals with difficult decisions by making a dash for, and seeking refuge from making any in, the loo, I can only gain solace from the scene in Jurassic Park that epitomised the notion that you can run from responsibility for just so long, but ultimately if you choose to hide, the consequences will eventually catch up and bite.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Just a thought, but maybe you should have considered using the title, suffixed with a 2, that you used for the Jeremy Clarkson (salt flats) post yesterday?