Well, it arrived, and very comprehensive it seems too.
In fact, so comprehensive I have barely scratched the surface of all it contained, from the DVD (not so sure this will be that informative, as it simply seems to be 'Nature's Greatest Hits' - at least in terms of natural disasters, packaged as evidence of climate change) to the poster (more to come in following weeks), to several articles to freebies (GOFBON! - get one free, buy others now (plus p&p)!. I'll be buying a few as they are on offer and look like they may be good sources of info... but am betting few mention Junkk.com (sweet letter follows if not... for the reprint. I'll re:view 'em anyway).
One thing is for sure, that's a lot of 'stuff'. It's going to take me a while to digest it all.
I also couldn't help but notice the ads that were littered about... literally... as most were either useless (mainly big corporates saying they are thinking a lot and 'care', without too much on what they are doing that will actually make one's day much better, but will play great at the CSR section of the AGM. Plus a few more hundred thous blown by various quangos who need to ditch their comms budgets) or... interesting.
There was one for Range Rover, headed 'Go Responsibly', with the line 'All new Land Rovers are fully Co2 offset for 45,000 miles. Not quite sure what the basis of that is, or means. Including manufacture, or a few trees to cover 20mpg?
Strangely, few 'greener' products seemed to match the marketing/media opportunism on display, so we had the usual consumerist wet dreams, especially in terms of places to go and people to pollute en route.
Sadly, the Volks guys seemed to decide a Bluemotion 'carrier bag' ad was not so relevant as one for a Touareg which, at £419 a month, the only thing that it won't plough through is your money. Well, that and a load of hydrocarbons to do its 20mpg:)
Anyone get the feeling that we are being served two very different sets of messages on the same platter?
Climate change: well oiled - Roughly half the oil we account for individually is burnt up on our behalf by the industries that feed consumerism or provide public services
Climate change: the visionaries creating a greener future
Top energy-saving tips - Not mine, even by definition, but hey
Climate change: we have the power
Climate change: a home to make you green with envy
Climate change: city salvation
Sauce: ecofriendly wine - that'll sort it all!
And last, my horoscope: Your stars for 2007
2007 is all about healing the planet and it starts with balancing your own personal ecosystem. No mention of the financial turnaround my fortune cookie predicted, but here's hoping!
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