Monday, January 22, 2007

I take it back. THIS may be the most important question I have asked so far.

You Ask The Questions
Next week: David Miliband, Environment Secretary
Send your questions to: myquestion@


"Why is it so hard to get serious suggestions on reducing our environmental impact - which may not need cost the taxpayer very much at all (if anything) - a serious hearing and if necessary financial backing, whilst it seems vast overlapping empires are constantly created to consume most funds on their own infrastructure and apportioning more according to self-serving targets and endless, often dubiously-valid ‘communications’ efforts than tangibly-beneficial environmental, much less cost-effective ROIs?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good question! But my fiver says it doesn't get featured and thus you won't get an answer.

Interesting to note just how clear and concise Arnie's answers were. It will be interesting to see just how obfuscating Milliband's are. I predict a fog index of ~7/10.