Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Emperor's New Steamroller

Wasn't the first. Won't be the last.: Road charge petition was a car crash waiting to happen

'I don't think anyone is coming out of this very well, including me probably but especially the planet, sadly.

Like a few posters here (not exactly the Jeremy Clarkson fan club, but for a Guardian blog the % pro/con the petition is significant, at least at this early stage), I fully accept that something needs to be done, but signed the petition because I certainly was not going to hand a bunch of clowns 'my mandate' to do it with their greenwashing/income-generating track record to date.

And especially with almost all policy being decided by a new-found green elite within the Islington/Westminster/FleetStreet triangle, who probably don't need a car to get them to work any more than their villas in Tuscany.

I'm still wading through all the media sources of today to see how it has moved on (to create an updated post to the one above), but one thing that has struck me already is the shameless and arrogant way that so many of the chattering classes have decided that they know stuff and the rest of us don't. Much less should be allowed have the right to express it. Feeling a little redundant perhaps, chaps and chapesses? The people are still allowed opinions, I do trust? And now it seems when they do get expressed we either don't understand, are being misled or are being selfish.

And our elected representatives have a "duty to listen"? Well there's a novelty. It seems that they no longer have much of a duty hear what is being said, or are too [insert pejorative here] to understand or feel the need to respond sensibly if the old index-linked is looking a smidge threatened.

Odd also that it has taken until now for a "high-ranking government member" (which means NOTHING to me unless it is attributed, so why quote it) and others to express some doubts - Event. Wise. After. The.

Live with it dudes. So as you sowed...

Actually, I think it's a great piece of popular feedback, sadly lacking these days from those claimed voices of the people that are our press - with 'right' & 'left' inevitably taking polar opposite views and then rabble-rousing to drum up the best readerships/ratings they can before moving on to the next stumbling invalid to savage.

And I love the notion of declining to comment on something, with a spokesman then commenting.

Yet again, all those with a vested interest in their self-serving agendas are running like blazes from having an opinion that may actually pin them down to a sincere belief... which might also not quite fit. Let's find some folk with cojones and credibility out there to deal with this honestly, as opposed to back-pedaling, backside-covering and attempting to steamroller through the crowds regardless with no clothes on.'

It also occurs, too late, that the headline is daft. What are they saying? Only approved petitions are allowed? That defeats the object!!!

Caught in the headlights

A similar discussion going on next door:

As life, and policy, these days is dictated by headline, I have to look critically at "A Million Motorists CAN be Wrong". I am a motorist. And I signed. Therefore I am wrong?

I just dared to voice support for an opinion, having been asked to do so by my government, on the boss-man's website. Maybe the nuances of my views were lost a bit in the sweeping nature of it all, but on balance I was not handing my kids' future, short and long term, to this plan from this lot, with their record. And I'm wrong?

I am as green as I think I can be. Not as green as I could. And I see the way forward as being through cooperation (which means trust), fairness, reward and genuine, prioritised enviro-ROI. The way I read this effort it was no such thing. So my response was nothing to do with 'wanting to ignore global warming'.

Maybe voters sign before they know enough. It has been ever thus. Who is there to decide what we know and when it is enough? It seems a lot of folk who don't like the result have tried to play a 'you are not worthy card'. Especially major media who reckon they have the exclusive on such wisdom yet invariably manage polar opposite views.

Now that gets me very annoyed.

Times - Blair to e-mail all who sign road charge petition

Long day. Just got to this. The others have pretty much covered it all. But here's my 2p:

So Mr. Blair is going to write to me to dispel the myths that caused me to sign the petition?

Poor old me. I just signed it because it looked like yet another half-a***ed income generating exercise concocted by city-dwellers to fill the index-linked public sector pension hole in the name of green, with no clear outline of how the revenue would improve the environment. I do trust that will be addressed in his email.

And now I am going to be fed one-sided propaganda to make me change my mind, because they know where I live. What next? Zils at dawn?

I think I feel another political disaster coming on. Spinning out of control?

Times - Driven round the bend at £1.50 a mile

Love it. A grumpy person in a flat city telling the rest of us in the country to cycle. You'll be telling me to use the tube next. You really should get out more and realise not all of us live in the Islington, Westminster, Fleet Street triangle. So notions dreamt up in the Ivy are a bit of a concern to the rest of us.

Meanwhile, back to why I signed. As Mr. Blair now knows here I live and is going to send the boys round to point out the error of my ways as I have been 'misled' by a concern over things that 'have not be ruled out', I do hope I will get full disclosure of how all this dosh goes to helping my kids' future environmentally and not propping up his bloated circus of departments' and beholden quangos' pension plans.

Times - There may be better alternatives to road pricing
Times - Livingstone’s £8 zone heads west, but traffic jams are as bad as ever
Indy - Good policies should not fall victim to the bullying of selfish, short-sighted petitioners

I need go no further than this: '..bullying of selfish, short-sighted petitioners'. For the rest go here.

I do not believe I am selfish, or shortsighted. I am concerned, especially at things that 'need not be ruled out'. As well as a total lack of clear answers.

As to bullying, by invitation I signed a petition, and did so based on a lot of information I had gleaned to my satisfaction. If that is bullying, you need to look up your definitions.

Do you by chance live within walking, or tube distance of London's political, media and social centres?

I believe you and your fellow know-betters have set back the cause of environmental engagement with the vast majority of this contry's common people more than anything else in recent history. Your arrogance is breath-taking.

Indy - Mark Steel: Anyone would think motorists were a minority In there, amongst all the champagne socialist ranting, is a few fair points: 'the reason the petition has attracted such vast numbers is public transport is ridiculously, unreliably, filthily expensive.

And the last train between major cities is usually about eight o' clock, because if you want to stay out later than that you're obviously some sort of Bohemian...

Shame he spoiled it with his intro and ending. I guess he was having a bad day getting from Islington to White City by BBC-compensated cab.

Eco-liberal elites like him are no longer funny. And we won't even die laughing if we can't get the normal, working folk onside.

Telegraph - Debate on road pricing is 'a sham'
Indy - Stuck in the wrong gear - A lot more sense than their commentators
Telegraph - Road pricing 'won't end congestion problems'

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