Monday, February 19, 2007

If I don't, you shouldn't either

Driving towards disaster

What is your point, please?

I think it may lie in the 'I don't [need to] drive' sentence, which is often followed by 'because I am able to still enjoy a comfortable and secure life whilst not doing so'. At least you did not issue this from the Islington-Westminster-Fleet Street triangle.

If this piece is targeted at the millions in their cars, emitting away, stuck in a jam WHO REALLY DON"T DO IT FOR FUN AND WOULD RATHER NOT, then this is a bit of a waste of space, as all it does is highlight the relative privilege of the chattering classes who enjoy an income (sadly, this effort is a freebie) unreliant on timely, affordable travel. Along with cycling MPs, journalists blogging on their snowy adventures and celebs doing without for a week, it really doesn't seem to equate with the calls on most folks' time, careers and domestic budgets.

And if you are having a swipe at Jeremy Clarkson, most of us may watch him, but don't live like him. And thanks to that, I doubt he cares very much what you think either.

I say this as a committed environmentalist at his home-working desk (for all that can be proved or believed here), but one who feels there are too many now making a living out of telling a lot more us how to exist, from cosy pedestals. And all it's doing is creating divisions.

Sort the alternatives first, before fines and fiddling, or many of us will simply starve. And if that happens we'll have to worry more about this generation than any future ones.

Guardian CiF - Don't be scared to confront people like me over car use - Blah, blah. Even I have lost interest. Much less take the time to read it or reply.

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