Saturday, March 29, 2008

Every lite bit helps?

I'd actually missed it all 'til now, but having just Googled something and found a reversed out screen have discovered 'Earth Hour'.

Not awfully sure what I am supposed to/can do (sitting around in the dark tonight around a burning candle seems daft, if not questionable enviROI), and my views on 'awareness' are well known.

I guess I could switch off my PC and not blog for an hour, which might mean something. I'm guessing such as Google and the BBC will not be going quite that far (mind you, BBC's woeful Forum system might just be doing the same thing), switching off power-hungry servers and all. There's raising awareness and not making such massive pots of money as you could, I guess.

See you in an hour, then.



Observer - Lights out? - An odd piece in an odd place, designed it seems mostly to crank up some COCP (hey.. another acronym - for Climate Optimist/Pessimist, and pronounced 'Cock-up) 'tis/t'isn't ratings 'heat' and little less. What was interesting were his stats on actual enviROIs, which I'd tend to believer as he is quite good on this count.

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