Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Lunar Dead Centre

Directly following a piece on the splitting of an ice shelf 'due to Global Warming', irony-free zone that is the BBC has just aired a piece on... commercial air travel.

I have now seen it, and see no reason to change what I wrote in advance:

'Looking forward to how the advertised piece on burying one's ashes on the moon is shared.

Whilst exchange may be no robbery, dust for dust, bearing in mind the fuel cost for every gram sent into orbit, I just wonder what the carbon consequences might be?'

Seemed worth a Newswatch serve:

Directly following a piece on the splitting of an ice shelf 'due to Global Warming', and followed by another plastic bag expose (how did David Shuckman get to Midway Island, by the way? Nice work if you can get it)* the irony-free zone that is the BBC has just aired a piece on... commercial space travel.

The commercial relationship is uncomfortable enough, but the mixed messages being pumped out on best environmental practices by consumers is staggering.

Next you'll have a reporter gushing forth with Richard Branson together on the first Virgin Galactic launch!


BBC - Antarctic shelf 'hangs by thread'

BBBC - It seems it has been noted elsewhere, and it appears the airlines are doing well out of... plastic bags. Medium and messenger...hmnnn.

*BBBC - NEW - And lo... the jolly was good.

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