Sunday, April 06, 2008

I have a simple question: why?

Labour 'killing Britain's renewables industry'

It really seems to defy logic, if nothing else.

And I don't mean the enviROI aspects, I mean what really matters: political, PR, green-spin, etc.

Why are the government in power, seemingly so keen to look green ( at least), being so utterly vague on their support for the hoem alt-eng industry?

At the very least, they have presided over the encouragement of a nascent industry that now, through a bunch of goal-post changes, looks in real danger of collapsing, taking a bunch of decent folk trying to deliver some real alternative options with it.

And with hardly any sensible commentary from anywhere on the reasons, and certainly near zero from the horse's mouth. Bizarre.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Not really that bizarre. The plain fact is that when the grants were originally supplied, they were overwhelmed by the demand. So, it was subsequently choked down, and now so watered down as to be not worth even applying for.

The nascent industry you mention already existed, it was just given a bit of of boost for a few months. Meanwhile, those newer in the game, like ourselves, continue to get nothing whatsoever.

This Gov is morally (and probably fiscally too) bankrupt. It really has no intentions of doing anything genuinely green, but feels that it needs to appear to be green to the electorate.

The horse's mouth? I think the person you are implying has actually become dumb-struck!