Sunday, April 06, 2008

MUFTA - Flaming

It's a new acronym: MUFTA (Metaphor (Unfortunate) For The Age)

And I am not starting off with an enviro one, but just feel like sharing.

I was just watching the news and thought what I saw applicable to kick off.

A minor ex-TV kids' show 'celebrity' gets top billing on Sunday TV through being targeted by a human rights protester whilst participating in a PR stunt first dreamt up by Josef Goebbels, staged by a totalitarian regime feted by a theoretically ethically-driven democratic host country with stuff to sell and its eye on the future.

Welcome to the world in 2008. Now what was/is the Olympics about again?

Addendum - Quote of the day (referring to the, um, minders/bouncers):

'What has Great Britain become when we let foreign government heavies roam our streets beating people up? Do we not have enough of our own home grown thugs in uniform to do that?'

From what I saw I think they were both well represented... and already competing. Faster! Higher! Stronger!

BBC - Newsnight

Gaurdian - This sporting fiasco

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