Friday, September 29, 2006

Don't do as we do. Do as we say.

As a persistent critic of much that our media se4rves up, it is worth reminding ourselves of the value of having thriving, curious, questioning independent checks on all that is done for us, and to us in our name.

This from an email for the BBC about last night's Newsnight:


It's official - the government is destroying the rainforest. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown may have emphasised the importance of the environment in their conference speeches, but there is saying...and doing.

Newsnight has discovered that the government is using rainforest timber in the House of Commons as part of a £5 million refurbishment. I'll be asking the minister for the environment, why.

Sadly I am these days well abed before the programme airs, but I'm hoping to find out the answer online if I can.

And whether there will be a fine and/or prosecution on par with popping a crisp packet in the wrong bin on the wrong day. It would be too much to expect anyone gets held tangiblyresponsiblee and personallyaccountablel, and of course the only people who will suffer from any financialpenaltyy will be... the taxpayer. Interesting system.

Of course, we could be fair all round and say that mistakes do get made, and those in the House (or the household) may not know what others are up to, and it's a bit much to come down on them hard. Sometimes a bit of slack is all we need... so long as it works both ways.

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